1) Q: Why should I choose cedar for my roof or sidewall, and isn’t it depleting our forests?

Cedar is a great choice for your roof or sidewall, because not only is it aesthetically pleasing, it also provides a natural insulator for your home, and withstands much of Mother Nature’s worst weather. It is also the only truly GREEN building material, so you would be doing the environment much good. Forests are not being depleted at all, and in fact, are growing due to our sustainable forest practices.

2) Q: How long does a cedar roof last?

This is a very general question, and cannot be answered with a definite number. Many factors come into play, such as quality of cedar used, quality of installation, climate, proximity to salt-water, exposure, and maintenance.

We recommend that only the highest quality cedar be used, along with reputable roofers that have much experience with installing cedar roofs. If you live near trees, it is highly recommended that you have the roof brushed off annually, as leaves and branches will collect and prevent water from draining off freely. Due to steep slopes, take utmost caution when cleaning your roof, or use reputable professionals with experience in cleaning cedar roofs. NEVER power wash a cedar roof.

If properly installed and maintained, a high quality cedar roof can last 30-40 years on average.

3) Q: Can cedar shakes and shingles be fire treated, or preservative treated?

Cedar roofs can be fire treated for areas where this is required, and have been proven to not spread fires. Check with local building officials in your area to see if this is required.  Cedar shakes and shingles can also be preservative treated (CCA) to further the life of your roof. This is highly recommended in areas of high humidity and where a lot rain is prevelant. Both the fire treatment, and CCA preservative are pressure impregnated for long lasting results. Pease avoid all topical treatments.

4) Q: What is the difference between a “shingle” and a “shake”?

The main difference between a shingle and a shake, is that a shingle is sawn on both sides for a smooth, tailored appearance, while a shake is split on the face, and sawn on the back, for a rougher, rustic look. A tapersawn shake, however, is sawn on both sides. Its thicker butt, and heavier shadowline give it the appearance of a shingle.

Split and Resawn Shake

Split and Resawn Shake

Sawn Shingle

Sawn Shingle

5) Q: What is the difference between a #1 Grade, and a “Premium” Grade?

All #1 Grade Certigrade shingles are a Premium grade, meaning they are all 100% Edgegrain & Heartwood. In Certi-Sawn and Certi-Split shakes, however, not all #1 Grades are 100% Premium Grades. Each bundle of a regular #1 grade tapersawn or resawn shake can contain up to, but no more than 20% flatgrain. If you want a Premium grade in this product, which contains no flatgrain, you must specify that with the mill. You will see on the Certi label “Premium 100% Edgegrain”. This in your assurance of getting a Premium shake.

6) Q: What is edgegrain, and what is flat grain?

Edgegrain, also known as “vertical grain”, is the best grade available in a shingle or shake. The annual growth rings form a 45-90 degree angle with the product surface. Flat grain has annual growth rings that form less than a 45 degree angle with the product surface. Flat grain will not last nearly as long as edgegrain.

Grain Comparison Diagram

Grain Comparison Diagram

7) Q: Why are some of my shakes curling or cupping on my roof?

Some curling is normal, as cedar is a natural product that reacts to certain weather conditions. Excessive curling or cupping could also be due to improper nailing (too high or too far from the edge), or exposures that are too high. Watch for excessive flatgrain as well, as heat will make them curl. If a competent roofer feels as if the curling or cupping is a potential problem, then repairs should be made promptly to prevent possible leaks. Individual shakes can be replaced if necessary.

8) Q: What does the word “Certi” refer to?

The word “Certi” refers to products that are marketed by the Cedar Shake & Shingle Bureau (CSSB), and inspected thoroughly by a third party grading agency. Member mills, like G&R Cedar Ltd, use the CSSB to help promote the benefits of cedar roofing and siding products, assuring our customers that they are getting the best products available.

9) Q: Can I buy all “red” colored cedar shakes or shingles?

When you purchase Western Red Cedar shingles or shakes, it is next to impossible to request only red colored product. Western Red Cedar actually has red, brown and yellow shades, which is part of its charm. If you want a cedar shingle or shake with only one color shade, we recommend you request Alaskan Yellow Cedar. It has the same great benefits of Western Red Cedar, but its uniform pale yellow color is a sought after characteristic.

10) Q: Why should I choose G&R Cedar Ltd. products for my project or home?

At G&R Cedar, we go above and beyond to make sure our shingles and shakes are of the highest quality available on the market for our customers. This means daily in-house quality control, on top of the third party inspections, and constant care and attention from our employees. We will do whatever we can to make sure our products are of the utmost quality, as that is what our customers demand. Our shingles and shakes are a GREEN product as well, which is environmentally responsible.